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Best Med Spa and Skin Care Clinic

Laser Hair Removal – Treatment Protocol
Post-Treatment Instructions
  • Avoid sitting in any direct sunlight for 48 hours.
  • Always wear sunscreen when any sun exposure is possible (SPF 30 or greater) DO NOT shave for 48 hours after each treatment.
  • DO NOT pluck or wax in between treatments. ONLY SHAVE.
  • Clients are to expect pain, swelling, and redness that generally resolves within 24 hours (desired endpoint).
  • If there is any hypo or hyper-pigmentation, it is usually temporary and will resolve within 6 months.
  • Crusting and/or Scabs may occur over ingrown hairs.
  • If the treatment causes mild folliculitis (whiteheads) this isn’t an adverse reaction so don’t worry. Apply some alcohol or acne products to the white heads for 2-3 days and it should go away.
  • If any blistering scabbing occurs (extremely rare), please call us immediately. If this happens and it is after office hours apply Neosporin and sunblock to the area until you get in contact with us.
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