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Best Med Spa and Skin Care Clinic

Medical Grade Facials Pre-Care Protocols
Schedule a consultation with a licensed and experienced skincare professional who specializes in medical-grade facials. During the consultation, discuss your skincare goals, skin type, concerns, and any previous treatments or allergies.
Skincare Assessment
Your skincare professional will assess your skin’s condition, identify specific issues (e.g., acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines), and determine the most suitable facial treatment for your needs.
Avoid Sun Exposure
In the days leading up to your facial, minimize sun exposure and protect your skin from UV radiation. Sunburned or tanned skin can be more sensitive and prone to irritation.
Discontinue Skincare Products
Depending on your treatment plan, your skincare professional may recommend discontinuing certain skincare products (e.g., retinoids, glycolic acids) for a specific period before the facial.
Maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment. Hydrated skin responds better to facial treatments.
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