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3D Lifestyle MedSpa offers a range of medical aesthetic treatments, including laser treatments for acne, which can be particularly effective for conditions like back acne. These laser treatments are non-invasive and are designed to reduce acne by targeting the underlying factors that contribute to skin breakouts. The specific details or protocols for laser acne treatments at 3D Lifestyle MedSpa might vary, but generally, such treatments involve using laser technology to reduce inflammation, destroy acne-causing bacteria, and promote skin healing.


The laser targets the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for producing oil (sebum). By decreasing the activity of these glands, the production of excess oil is reduced, which helps to prevent new acne from forming.Lasers can help to eliminate Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that often play a significant role in acne development. The light from the laser creates a hostile environment for these bacteria, reducing their numbers and consequently decreasing inflammation and acne.The heat from the laser promotes new skin cell growth and can help in resurfacing the skin. This not only helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars but also improves the overall texture and tone of the skin.

What can I expect during the treatment?

The laser device is adjusted to specific settings based on your skin type and the severity of the acne. The device emits a beam of light that is passed over the affected areas of the back. You might feel a sensation that is often described as a rubber band snapping against the skin, but discomfort is generally minimal.

How many sessions will I need?

For less severe acne, fewer sessions may be sufficient, potentially around 3 to 5 sessions. More severe cases often need more treatments, possibly 6 to 8 sessions or more. Sessions are usually spaced about 3 to 4 weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and respond to the laser treatment. During your initial consultation, the dermatologist or laser technician will assess your specific situation and provide an estimated treatment plan tailored to your skin’s condition and needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is laser acne treatment?
Laser acne treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to target various factors that contribute to acne, such as excess oil, bacteria, and inflammation. The laser energy reduces the production of oil in the skin, destroys acne-causing bacteria, and promotes healing of the skin.
Most patients experience minimal discomfort during laser treatment. The sensation is often compared to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Many modern lasers also have cooling mechanisms to reduce discomfort during treatment.
The duration of each session depends on the size of the area being treated but typically ranges from 15 minutes to an hour.
After a session, it’s common to experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, similar to mild sunburn. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours to a couple of days. Your clinician will provide specific aftercare instructions, which may include using gentle skincare products and avoiding direct sunlight.
The number of sessions varies based on the severity of your acne and your skin’s response to treatment. On average, 3 to 8 sessions are typically recommended, spaced several weeks apart.
Side effects are generally mild and may include temporary redness, swelling, and less commonly, blistering or changes in skin pigmentation. Serious side effects are rare when the treatment is performed by a qualified professional.


What Our Members Are Saying

Amazing service — my injector was very attentive and knowledgeable. Definitely went over and above to ensure that I was satisfied with results (follow up appointment). I will definitely be making this my regular clinic for Botox and filler treatments.
Stephanie Werner

I have been twice for botox and will keep coming back. The staff is friendly and the treatment is well priced. I have been happy with how the botox has worked. I recommend getting the membership if you want to do multiple treatments.
Michelle Montero

Lovely knowledgeable fair. The place is very clean. The services are lovely and I like that they give me back ground information about my treatments. The membership is worth every penny.
Marwyn Christie

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