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Hydr-O2 Facials Post-Care Protocols
Follow Aftercare Recommendations
After the facial, avoid touching your face to prevent introducing bacteria or dirt to your freshly treated skin.
Avoid Touching Your Face
After the facial, avoid touching your face to prevent introducing bacteria or dirt to your freshly treated skin.
Use Gentle Skincare Products
Stick to gentle and hydrating skincare products for the days following the treatment. Avoid harsh exfoliants or aggressive skincare routines that could irritate your skin.
Sun Protection
Continue to protect your skin from the sun with sunscreen and, if possible, avoid prolonged sun exposure for a few days after the facial.
Stay Hydrated
Maintain good hydration by drinking enough water to support the skin’s healing process.
If you wear makeup, wait a few hours after the facial before applying it. Use clean brushes and makeup products to prevent contamination. Limit Excessive Heat: Avoid hot showers, saunas, or steam rooms for at least 24 hours after the facial, as heat can exacerbate skin sensitivity.
Follow-up Appointments
Depending on your skincare goals and the condition of your skin, you may need multiple Hydr-O2 facial sessions. Consult with your skincare professional to determine the appropriate frequency for your treatments.
Report Any Concerns
If you experience any unusual skin reactions or have concerns about the results, contact your skincare professional promptly for guidance and assistance.
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